Friday, July 14, 2006


Back in second grade I remember the school nurse demonstrating on how cigarette smoke is bad for our lungs using a cardboard robot that smoked a cigarette. I’ve been searching for one for years and I finally ran across one just a few weeks ago.

This simple teaching tool really worked and that crazy robot really smoked a cigarette! It must have made an impression on me since I never took up smoking.

Now if I could only get this robot to at least cut back to just one pack a day!


  1. this may be the greatest item ever! I love that it is a robot and the way they styled him is so cool.

  2. Yeah, they did a great job creating this teaching tool and I think after the demo I went home and started hiding my parent’s packs of cigarettes. As I can remember, the tar and nicotine really made that paper lung look nasty. I’m tempted to make this robot smoke, but he’s in mint condition and never been used.
