Thursday, October 05, 2006


The May 1954 issue of Mechanix Illustrated should have been renamed Monsters Illustrated because smack dab on the front cover is the one and only Creature from the Black Lagoon showing off his gill-faced mug.

Old fish breath even got his own four page article 78 pages deep inside the mag. The article goes into great detail on how the suit was created. So instead of me babbling about it, just click on the pages and read ‘em for yourself.

I have bought and sold many copies of this old issue and for some reason never kept one for myself. I found this water logged beat up copy a few months ago in a flea market for a couple of bucks. Since it's in such rough shape and suffers from water damage, I’ve come to the conclusion that this must be from the Creature’s personal library!


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Very cool! Definitely the very last magazine I would ever expect to have the Creature as cover girl. Cover gill?

  2. I am so making my own monster!

  3. I've always wanted a copy of that issue, but never managed to get my claws on one.

    Todd, you've been selected as my site of the day over at my own Halloween countdown.

  4. Nemo- Good one! How about cover ghoul?

    Debora- I've always wanted to make my own monster too! Now we can with this mag!

    John - Thanks for the mention on your super fun blog! Besides a video for tomorrow’s post I'm listing all the fine blogger countdowns and your link will definitely be one of ‘em!

  5. Ooh, I don't see any blueprints, diagrams or even a recipe. If I hafta sew....
