Friday, October 06, 2006


Hey Kiddies! I hope everyone is enjoying my parade of Halloween goodies and monster nuggets everyday this month?

Today I wanted to feature some other fine bloggers that are caught up in a daily Halloween countdown. Listed in no order are some of the sites that I’ve been enjoying everyday!

First we have the one and only Secret Fun Blog by Kirk Demarais. Kirk’s countdown gets down to the bare bones of Halloween with his top 31 rubber and plastic skeletons of the nation. I’ve been getting a chuckle everyday reading about these cheap bags of bones. Don’t forget to check out his Secret Fun Spot website for more spooky goodness!

The second link is to the John Rozum blog, where you can see some wonderful Halloween imagery and John is also giving us a valuable list of some fun old movies that are perfect for viewing during this scary season! For an extra treat you might check out his website for some of his amazing collage artwork!

The first week over at the Tikiranch was especially fun since we got to view a bunch of vintage little Trick or Treat bags. I’m anxious to see what else is pulled from the Tickiranch bag of tricks for the rest of the month!

Over at Branded in the 80's Smurfwreck is entertaining us with his adventures in the modern candy, food and toy isles looking for all things Halloween. I need to get out there and dig some of those things up!

Dane from All Eyes & Ears is giving us some bootiful music for our ears and spooky sights for our eyes all 31 days!

Collect ‘em all kids, because artist Michael Fleming has created 31 Monster Cards and is showcasing them at his Tweedlesketch blog. Besides the fab artwork he’s done them in creepy black and white, the best way to view a monster!

The last link, Plastic Pumpkins is the creation of Nemo434 and he’s one of the smart ones who hasn’t shackled himself down to do a 31 day countdown. He’s already posted some fun Halloween goodness for this month and I’m looking forward to his future posts. Oh, and you’ll get to see a cool collection of Plastic Pumpkins!

Now for an old Halloween 8mm film via Keith Milford the curator of the Halloween blog Old Haunts. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!


  1. Thanks for the plug, Todd, and for all those other links! I just wish Keith would come back and deliver some new goods to Old Haunts. His last post was March 31!

  2. You sweetheart! Thanks for the blurb and the link on the side.

    Expect me to return the favor shortly.

  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Thanks for the mention! And thank you for directing me towards Tweedlesketch, a great site that I hadn't manage to run across yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thanks for the shout out!
    I didn't know about all of those either. Fun!

    You aren't kidding about the smart people not committing to a daily countdown. I'm starting to wish I'd called mine the "sporadic, inconsistent Halloween countdown with many missing days"

  6. Thanks for the nod man. I need to get some more Halloween fun-ness out there...
