Monday, October 16, 2006


The title for this post sounds like a title from an old 60's Batman episode!

Both of these photos were taken at a Halloween party back in the mid-90's and yes that’s me as the mad scientist and the first lady of Neato Coolville is the mime.


  1. So, why aren't you wearing a costume?

    I've been enjoying the past batch of posts.

  2. Wow, I can't believe Mrs. NC let you post your wedding picture! What an understanding spouse you have. We need to see some Halloween shenangians from 1975 or so. Batman and Robin perhaps?

  3. John - Yeah, that's how I usually look every day! Glad you're enjoying 'em! I've been having a blast with yours and my movie list keeps on growing!

    Mike - Careful I'll post some of you ghouls from the wedding party! Sad, but true that we don't have photos of us as kids during Halloween. Batman and Robin? I don't know what you're talking about!

  4. I thought photos existed of you and a certain friend of ours as Batman and Robin. I know I've seen the one of you as Robin. Was that a Halloween thing? Maybe I misunderstood you. Anyway, keep up the cool Halloween posts!!

  5. Actually I do know what you're talking about and no that wasn't for Halloween, but for a stage play that didn't happen when I was 7 or 8. If I have the guts enough I might post it!
