Thursday, January 25, 2007


Back in February of ‘78 we had one of those perfect snow storms. You know, when the snow is at the right thickness and it’s not too dry. It was perfect for snow ball fights, snow forts, snowmen and even a snow Snoopy!

(That's me on the end wearing my striped shirt. Regular readers have seen this shirt before!)

I can’t remember if it was my Brother or Grandma that came up with this brilliant idea, but the whole family and even a neighborhood friend helped create this work of art.

We worked all morning and thru the afternoon assimilating billions and billions of snowflakes into Schulz’s famed beagle. Our house had two large square stone blocks on each side of the front yard and so we used a block as the bottom part of the dog house. We then packed snow on top until we made a roof and used ribbon for the lines on the sides. Of course the hard part was Snoopy himself.

Luckily my Dad, Mom, and Grandma had packed in plenty of experience making snowmen thru the years, but this was their first snow Snoopy. We ended up taking a little bit of water to smooth and help form his body. This method worked especially well on his tail. I remember that was the hardest part, as the tail kept falling off.

We even had plans to build Woodstock, but we were getting too cold and the snow was falling too hard. Anyway, it was time for some hot tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches!

It was fun to have Snoopy around for a few days until the sun came out and melted him away.


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  3. Hi,
    I'm the art director at a magazine in North Carolina, called Business North Carolina. I found a photo of the Gem Theatre in Kannapolis on your Flickr site and was wondering if we could use it in the magazine? Please contact me by calling 704-523-6987 ext. 240. My email is Please let me know one way or the other. Thanks so much--your blog is great!
