Saturday, February 24, 2007


Ok, boys and girls get your 64 Crayola Crayons box with the built-in sharpener because we got Stretch Monster pages to color. Yippee!

For your enjoyment, here is the seldom seen coloring book based on Stretch Armstrong and Stretch Monster. Sorry SA fans, but this is SM’s week, so we’ll only be looking at those pages.

Feel free to print the pages out to color! The funniest ones are when Stretch Monster goes to the circus!


  1. The Stretch Monster phenomenon was more widespread than I imagined. Thanks for sharing all of it this week.

  2. I can't imaginr them having used that typeface for the cover that year, but it's still a good-looking forgery...better than anything they would really have done at that point in time. I've got an anecdote that I feel that I should share with you: in either 1980 or '81, I was at the Anderson (S.C.) County Fair with my grandfather, when I saw a balloon vendor. To my, astonishment, there, mixed in among the usual ballons and inflatables,were STRETCH ARMSTRONG BALLOONS! And by that, I mean Stretch Armstrong balloons inflated, decorated with crude faces drawn on the chest in magic marker, and tied to sticks. I obviously had to have one, so my grandfather obliged. I have no idea how those leftover bodies found their way to that strange fate...but they did!

  3. WW - It has been my pleasure showing some new light on old Stretch Monster.

    Devlin - The Coloring book is an actual vintage item and not a made up one. I purchased it six or seven years ago.

    Wow, that is so weird about the SA balloons. Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Anonymous7:29 PM

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