Thursday, March 01, 2007


Do you want to see a classic image that was on supermarket shelves from the late 60's into the late 80's? Sure you do! If you’re old enough, you probably remember the little boy on the front of the Hershey’s Instant holding a delicious glass of chocolate milk.

The tin is pretty common and you can find ‘em in most flea markets for just a few dollars. The other Hershey’s Instant tin that’s a little harder to find has a girl on the front instead of the boy.

I was glad to find this one since it has the Special Mug with Your Name offer and my wife has always owned the mug. Her parents sent away for it when she was just a baby.


  1. That's a really way to tie in your collection. My wife isn't much of a collector, but she brought a ROTJ Star Wars glass into our relationship and since then we've tracked down the rest in the set to sort of become her first collection.

  2. That first collection usually starts it and then you move onto the next one.
