Thursday, March 15, 2007


Mmm... this looks yummy! I wonder if the drink was as refreshing as the graphics on this packet? I love the artwork on this one and the use of the metallic colors really sets it off!

The packet is dated 1966.


  1. Hi there,
    I was just looking for an image of Freshie so I could show my kids why I keep calling their Kool-Aid by this name! Thanks for the post to *refreshie* my memory ;)

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I also still refer to it as Freshie sometimes too!

  3. do you know where to find any video commercials of freshie?

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I use to eat this out of the package it was really tart and I loved it.

    Donna B.

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    My brothers and I used to like this mix better than Kool-aid. It was likely the package. I think that mom liked it because it was cheaper!

  6. Maria7:21 PM

    I am almost out. I found a half full display of freshie in a small town corner store in Canada. I bought them out. I love that my kids are enjoying the drink I loved as a kid. They agree that it tastes better than Kool-aid.

    1. I have been trying to find this drink for my kids to try??!!! OMG!!! I can't believe you found some, and too bad I found this in 2016??!!! Darn!!!

    2. I have been telling my kids about this drink, I can't believe you actually found some Freshie??!!! Wow!! I would love to see this drink come back!!!

  7. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Nice to show my kids the package and cruise nostalgia lane. Last time I spotted some was in a small town BC store in the late 90's

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I would love to see the 1966 "Birds on a wire" Freshie commercial again.

  9. I was delicious. My grandmother made us "freshie" to drink at our lake cottage in Northern Ontario. Wikipedia claims the drink was available until the early 80s.

  10. Alleyoop2:06 PM

    I remember Freshie way back in the 1940s but in our family we kids drank Frostade mix. Am I the only one that remembers Frostade?

  11. I hereby call upon all bloggers to get the word out that there needs to be a strong effort to REVIVE THIS OLD freshie drink mix powder .... Now that Kraft Canada has discontinued packets of add your own Sugar Kool aid ... Its time to start a new company just the same as French's did with their ketchup when Heinz up and skipped town ....
    Hey it could even be made as French's Freshie !!!
    Oh and by the way we can still buyKoolaid in Canada ... only with chemical artificial sweeteners MANY OF us do Not want !!!!!
