Thursday, June 14, 2007



Now don’t worry, you didn’t forget to tear off Thursday’s Far Side calendar page and no you didn’t accidently travel into the future one day. Instead Flea Market Fridays got bumped up one day because tomorrow I’ll have a special post about one of America’s favorite game show hosts.

Last week I found two advertising items with snazzy graphics that Mr. C from Happy Days would appreciate.

The first one is a 1950's Personal Bowling Score Card from Brunswick.

I love the art by Walt Ditzen! Clever how the little bowling pin has taken off his red collar and turned it into a crown for the proud bowler man, better known as Gutter Gus. Walt Ditzen was the creator of the popular sports comic strip Fan Fare and he’s well known in the bowling world, as he created posters for the National Bowling Council.

I found this next item in a booth that was close to the same booth where I found the scorecard. It's an old pack of 3M Sandpaper, with nice artwork of a hardware store clerk.

My guess, is that this is also from the 1950's, but it might be a little older.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your Gene Rayburn post tomorrow!
