Monday, July 23, 2007


If you find yourself at the San Diego Comic-Con this week, make sure to visit booth #2648, where you'll find the World of Mr. Toast and meet Dan Goodsell, the man behind Mr. Toast. I've been enjoying Dan's comic strips, books and collectibles from the beginning and every year his characters grow in popularity.

So if you haven't discovered Mr. Toast and all of his wonderful anthropomorphic friends, make a point to check out Dan's booth. Be sure you get there early, because of Mr. Toast's big following the T-Shirts, dolls, and original art sell fast!

Not going to Comic-Con? Not to worry, as you can check out all things Mr. Toast at Dan's website The World of Mr. Toast and his blog, a sampler of things. You'll find links where you can even order Mr. Toast stuff.

For everyone going to the Con this year, have fun and say hi to Dan for me as I'll be absent from this year's Con.

1 comment:

  1. Todd, I'll be sure to say hello to ol' Mr. Toast for you. There are always curious people loitering around his table. If there's anything I can get for you, let me know before mid-day tomorrow!

