Thursday, September 27, 2007


If you’re a regular tourist here in Neato Coolville then you’ll remember during the month of May as we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Star Wars with thirty straight days of Star Wars related posts. One post was about the theater where I saw Star Wars for the first time, the Four Seasons Cinema at the Lodge of the Four Seasons located at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.

It’s been years since this little movie theater played an actual movie and it is now used for business meetings, power point presentations and kid’s birthday parties. The cool thing, is that it can be rented out for a reasonable fee.

So what would any nostalgic Star Wars fan do? Rent out the theater where he first saw this space fantasy, invite a few people and watch it exactly 30 years later. (Actually 30 years and one day later, but who’s counting?) So that’s what we did on August 25, 2007.



The Mayor and First Lady

The theater is filling up

Take your seats!

Looking out the projection booth

No, we didn’t have a print of the film, but used the original 1977 version on DVD. Even if we did have a print we didn't have anything to play it on as the projectors are long gone and they’ve been replaced by a DVD player and DVD projector. We had popcorn and soda at the concession stand, door prizes and Star Wars fun packets for the kids.

Star Wars fun packs for the kids

Masks for the kids

Everyone had a blast and it was definitely nostalgic for us old folks, but the neato part was seeing all the kids having fun just like we did thirty years ago!


  1. What a great idea. It looks like everyone had a great time. It's nice that even though it's no longer a functioning movie theater, that there was still a theater with seats and a screen to do this in.

    The place I first saw Star Wars is now a clothing store. You'd never know it was ever anything else.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    That is pretty darn cool...

  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Star Wars is the greatest movie ever! I represent star wars fans of Russia and have my own Star Wars Web Site. I think this movie will live in our hearts for more than one century!
