Thursday, August 28, 2008


Here is a nifty postcard that doubled as a free movie pass to local theaters. This is the only one that I’ve seen, but I wonder if Fox printed other cards with different actors.

This card was to be used at the Colonial Theater in Pittsburg, Kansas. Good thing the lady that received the pass decided to keep it as a memento instead of using it at her local theater. Of course one doesn't get a postcard everyday from the lovely Betty Grable. She made the right choice.

Just a few years after this card was mailed the Colonial Theater would change its name to the Fox Theater in 1959. The Colonial has survived and is now being restored. I wonder if they would let me in free if I used this card? Oops - I see that it expired back on Nov. 15, 1955.

Here's a link to a current photo of the Colonial and the link to their official website. Looks like the site is still under construction.


  1. She's so cute. Nice chair hat though.

  2. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Wow! Major Todd Franklin, is that for real? Where are you? I'm the President of the Colonial Fox Theatre Foundation and we would dearly LOVE to make a copy of that card for our website. Let's talk !

    Please contact us at


  3. Karswell - Chair hats need to make a comeback!

    Vonnie - Yes, that's a real postcard that I picked up years ago at a postcard show. I'll be emailing you. Thanks!
