Friday, September 12, 2008


I've been trying to track down this sticker for years. This little hillbilly guy was known as Ollie Osage the official mascot for Osage Beach, Missouri back in the 1970's and early 80's. If I remember correctly, someone passed 'em out when I was in the 4th grade. Update: I found out that these were made in 1972 or 73, but could be found up into the early 80's. Also, I might have the name wrong - his name might be Osage Ollie or Ozark Ollie.

Instead of finding just one I found a whole slew of 'em! These are the window sticker variety.

Back in the day Ollie could be found stuck to doors and windows of most of the businesses at the Lake of the Ozarks. Good ol' Ollie, he still looks as easy going as he used to be.


  1. Totally remember these! Wanna sell a couple?

  2. Congratulations! It feels so good finding something that has eluded you forever. I know I've still got several things on my list!

  3. I'd be interested in buying some too.

    And if you ever find a postcard or photo of the Haunted Hotel that was once on the Strip (in Two Bit Town I think?), I'll buy it too!
