Thursday, January 15, 2009


I know it didn’t say it on your calendar but I think it is safe to say that yesterday January 14 was Growing Up Star Wars Day!

There was a big bang of activity in the Growing Up Star Wars flickr group yesterday, as we gained hundreds of new members and a gazillion bazillion hits. We almost have a thousand members, or as we like to call ‘em, Star Wars Kids. At the first of this year we only had about 250 Star Wars Kids, but after yesterday the group flung off the training wheels. Yesterday, my cohort and fellow Grand Moff Kid of the group, Glen Mullaly said it best, “Growing Up Star Wars grows up!”

The group’s theme is definitively about the original Star Wars phenomenon from 1977 - 1985, but really it’s much more than that. The group’s heart is about the happiness and simplicity of childhood.

It’s also about bowl haircuts, plaid pants, lots of wood paneling and gold furniture.

New images are coming in every day, so check the group often and if you haven’t already, be sure to join and become a Star Wars Kid all over again!

Thanks again to Matt Selman, Wil Wheaton and all the other bloggers, twitters, myspacers, facebookers, flickrs and diggers out there that helped launch this group into orbit. Also, thanks to all the members old and new for contributing there vintage photos, artwork and crafts to the group.

Note: some images can only be viewed if you are a member of the group, so make sure you’re a member!

The images above are taken from the group and were uploaded by littlelostrobot, jonathanolah, teruterubouzu, tattoobruce and Mike Middleton.


  1. Chewie at Burger King might be better than Lord Vader in the frozen foods aisle. Great stuff NC, even if my nerdy 10 year old self was part of it!!

  2. Sounds interesting... I should check it out one of these days. Maybe.

  3. You got that huge burst of activity because you were featured in the Flickr Blog! And congratulations!

  4. Mike - You are a big part of it!

    Glen - Me too!

    Dane - Thanks Dane. I was really something that we showed up on the flickr blog!
