Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For these past few weeks I’ve been trying to get organized and for me that’s a challenge. One big step to organization salvation was to go thru all the stacks of old 3.5 floppy disks and back up the files. As I spent many a boring hour, inserting and ejecting these little outdated flops, one word kept popping in my head - Why? Really I have no clue why I want to keep this stuff. But something in me (packrat blood perhaps) says I need to store it away in a safe external hard drive.

Anyway, since I had to surf thru all this junk I’m going to force a small amount on all the Neato readers out there. The files I’ve selected for your viewing torture are creations created by me back in the day when I wasn’t smart enough to save things higher than 72dpi. Also, apologize for the action figure nudity.


  1. Ah good ol Mego moon! What's the story behind the Faatherton stuff? By the way, the Goblin didn't succeed in defeating the DC men did they? Nice ST and Supergirl Mego pics too.

  2. Nothing says "Neato Coolville" quite like a mooning Mego ape!

    ( maybe nothing says "Weird Hollow" quite like a mooning Mego ape.)

    By the way, Vlad wants that image on a T shirt! If a picture is worth a thousand words, then that picture is worth a MILLION!

  3. I do have that image on a t-shirt my dear impaler. Jealous?

  4. Mike - Faatherton is a local band that's been together for about ten years. As to the Goblins defeating the DC men - yes in spirit.

    Vlad - You know it. I need to recreate the Mego Moon photo and make another T-Shirt just for you Vlad. I'm kind of afraid what might happen if I don't.
