Thursday, April 30, 2009


Back in 1939 at the New York World’s Fair, everyone was looking forward to the world of tomorrow - a tomorrow that would bring hope, prosperity and peace through technology and human ingenuity. Today marks the 70th anniversary of the fair and mankind still reaches out for those same dreams of the future.

Unfortunately, in 2009 those same dreams are much harder for us to see and to believe in. We really need something like the 1939 New World’s Fair to restore those dreams and bring back the belief we still can build a world of tomorrow with the tools of today.

For years I’ve been fascinated with the 1939 NYWF and have put together a small collection of items. Today, is a great day to start sharing some of my collection. Slowly, I’ll be adding items to my a new flickr set simply called 39NYWF and future posts will show up here on the blog. Below, you’ll find a few images from my collection and some fun links to help you celebrate and learn more about the fair.

Click here to take a tour of the fair!.

Click here for another tour of the fair!

Watch the New York Public Library's video about the fair!

Visit the 1939 NYWF flickr group!
Watch videos at the Internet Archives!


  1. Nice post NC!! I'm looking forward to you talking about the real NY World's Fair. You know, the one 25 years later with that giant sphere and the miracle of audio animatronics!

  2. Funny you should mention this Mike! I am working on a tribute post to the carousel of progress as I write this response! I have come up with lots of good stuff including complete videos of a couple of different incarnations of this 'show' and some pristine audio clips. I should have it posted before the weekend.

    I love the world's fair stuff! It's too bad we don't have them any more - I imagine it wouldn't be as good as I think though.

  3. Don't forget Terra Incognita's interactive exhibit of the fair:

    No post on this subject is complete without it. Their work is literally a textbook example of rich and interactive web experience. [pardon my hero worship] :)

  4. Beauties all! If I had a working time machine, I would definitely have to go spend a few days at the '30 Worlds Fair!!

  5. Thanks for this. I used to collect WF memorabilia too, as my father attended the '39 Fair in NY. His photos at the Kodak booth leaning on the model of the Trylon and Perisphere are among my most treasured possessions.
