Friday, April 10, 2009


Do you get bummed out when you wake up on April 2nd and realize that April Fool's Day is over? Do you wish that April Fool's Day would last a whole month?

Well, wipe away those foolish frowns because Uncle Kirk over at the Secret Fun Blog is celebrating April Fool's Day all month long.

Yep, that's right the author of Life of the Party The Visual History of the S.S. Adams Company has opened his treasure chest of pranks and is counting down a bunch of gags, tricks and pranks everyday in April! Every post will be dedicated to the non-S.S. Adams pranks along with Kirk's witty commentary!

I know I should have posted this back on April 1st, but I've been so busy, I haven't had time to check out my favorite blogs and I'm just now catching up on Kirk's prank countdown. Shame on me!!

Anyway, go and get a laugh a day at the Secret Fun Blog! It's better than biting into a phony rubber Swiss cheese sandwich!

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