Thursday, June 04, 2009


Whew, that was a close one, as I see that good old Lee Roy the mailman was very close to uploading his belly button lent collection. Looks like I showed up in the nick of time!

Really, I never left town. A crazy thing - I was working in the Neato Coolville archives where I accidently boxed myself in a corner with storage tubs. I was trapped for the whole month of May in my self-made prison of tubs filled with leftover junk from the 20th century. It was quite harrowing, but I managed to survive by eating stale Cap’n Crunch from 1979 and drinking some 1960's Mountain Dew. (Amazing, it still tickles your innards after all these years!)

Good thing I had my trusty Swiss Army Knife with the built in bottle opener or they might’ve found a cobwebbed skeleton with an unopened bottle clinched in its hand.

Really, I needed the break and I amused myself by reading old TV Guides and Jughead comics until I was rescued by Myrtle Mayfair, Neato Coolville’s very own busy body. Luckily, she wandered in the archives in search of Mr. Mippy, her pet hamster. She didn’t find Mr. Mippy, but she did find me! I think she was disappointed that I wasn’t Mr. Mippy.

Now that I’m back, you’ll be seeing some Neato blog posts starting tomorrow. Not sure if I’ll be doing the daily post grind, but new posts are just around the corner. Oh, if you see Mr. Mippy, tell him to come back home pronto. Myrtle is missing Mr. Mippy something fierce.


  1. Welcome back, Mr. Mayor! Now if you'll please just sign this, and here, and here, of and the Committee for Restaurant Mascots on Drinking Glasses has requested...

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Welcome back. Missed reading your updates on this compelling blog here in the UK.

  3. I WAS wondering where you had gone to. I guess I'll have to wait until next year for more of that 1939 New York World's Fair stuff! Welcome back...

  4. Welcome back, sir!

  5. John - Yes my desk was piled high with important papers! You know the Committee for Restaurant Mascots on Drinking Glasses is a pushy one, but the worst is the Committee for Preservation of the PEZ Parade.

    Anonymous - Big thanks from over here too over there!

    Mike - Thanks!

    Major - Not to worry I plan to post 39NYWF all year and then stuff from 1940 next year.

    Halloween - Thanks!

  6. Glad to see you back on board! Looking forward to seeing just what you unearthed back in the archives.
