Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Mr. Inflatable Flipper loves the fall season and he always looks for something different to get him into the Halloween spirit. One year he visited a pumpkin farm and this is the picture postcard from that trip. In the photo you can see Mr. Inflatable Flipper enjoying a pumpkin ride!

His kind and helpful hosts were Pappy and Polly Pumpkin, seen here driving the wagon.

For many years, these happy pumpkins were the official mascots for the farm. And they made his day special by giving Mr. Inflatable Flipper a nickel tour of the farm. He saw the giant corn maze, the pumpkin shaped water tower, the baby animal petting zoo and finally the tiny pumpkin home of Pappy and Polly.

His favorite part from this specific visit was the simple time spent inside the home of his pumpkin hosts. They sipped on warm apple cider and chatted many hours into the night. He even made friends with Pappy and Polly’s dogs Muffy and Tuffy who tried to nip and bite him earlier in the day. They thought he was a dog’s chew toy.

Every fall he thinks back to his wonderful joyous time at the pumpkin farm.

On a sad note, he heard that Pappy and Polly Pumpkin were accidently sold to Mrs. Carlyle Snordy. Yes, Mrs. Snordy turned them into pumpkin pies for the fall fair. The good news was that she won two blue ribbons. At least Pappy and Polly went out on top!


  1. Glad Inflatable Flipper was able to spend time with them while he could. I'm sure he'll always treasure those memories :D

  2. The pumpkin pie: every pumpkin's worst nightmare. But damn it, they sure are tasty!

  3. Halloween Spirit - He thinks of them every time he has a piece of pumpkin pie.

    Stephen - Sad, but true. Where's the cool whip?
