Wednesday, February 24, 2010


A few years ago at a flea market I ran across a box of someone’s old home movies from the 1960's and 70's. Even tho the box was filled with dust and dead bugs the lure of flickering images from the past was too great for me not to pass up.

Below is a sample of what I found in the box. Instead of uploading them to YouTube or Vimeo I realized that flickr was a much better fit for these quick short clips from the past. Be sure to turn your sound on as I left in the soothing sounds of the projector. You can view all of the clips by visiting my Found Film set here.

These are some of my favorites -

Time to cook the cocktail weenies!

The lights are much brighter there you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go Downtown. Things'll be great when you're Downtown, no finer place for sure. Downtown everything's waiting for you.

I love seeing vintage Supermarkets! This one is from Costa Mesa in 1971.

Aaay, Happy Days is on the tube!

This one I edited and zoomed in on a bunch of packaging. Since I collect old packaging it's really fun to see it being used or in the background. Watch for the Cheerios box being used as a gift box, it's classic.



  1. those clips were great. I enjoyed watching these.

  2. What is in that Cheerios box?? It almost looked like a CD or DVD. Did that gift-giver come from the future??

    And what is up with that mysterious eye at the end of the Film Melt? Creepy...

  3. Todd, those are classic. I would totally stay in that hotel.

  4. Those film clips are great! Please show more...

  5. Awesome! Thanks for uploading these!

  6. shan24 - I think inside the Cheerios box is a reel to reel tape. Now that's cereal box prize!

    Thanks for everyone's comments!

  7. Totally awesome. The projector whir is also a great touch. Totally reminiscent for those of us who remember those times!

    I have 3 reels from my early '70s childhood that I still have to transfer to DVD. Actually I'm gonna look into that this week.

    Thanks for sharing. =)

  8. Awesome! What a find.

    The weenie roaster reminded me of a restaurant where I once worked. The dishwasher also made the rolls - with a cigar hanging out of his mouth as he cooked. At least once a customer opened up their "sinker", as the rolls were called, to find a perfectly preserved cigar ash inside.

    Loved the supermarket one too - hard to find images of "vintage" supermarkets.

  9. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Strangely creepy, sentimental, sad, and joyous, all at the same time. I love how that Happy Days was on TV in the background during the gifting!
