Thursday, December 23, 2010


Ah, collecting “found” snapshots can be very rewarding, especially when you find two quirky Christmas snaps like the ones below.

First up is Merry Christmas from the Painters.

I can just imagine the amateur photographer, which we can assume was Mr. or Mrs. Painter setting up this little set. He/she or maybe both of ‘em worked together to set up this little scene. “Honey, where’s the box of Ivory Snow?” I like that they made little Santa foot prints in the snow. They probably printed up a couple dozen of these photos and mailed ‘em out as their Christmas card. Way to go Painters!

In this second Christmas snap we see a nice photo of a couple relaxing next to the Christmas tree.

Hey, wait a minute, you can see through the woman. Yipes! Is she a g-g-ghost?

Ah, our photographer, the man holding the camera switch button thingy must have pressed the button a bit early creating a double exposure of his wife. Hmm... they do look kinda alike. Shirley, that’s not the same guy dressed as a woman. I’ll let you decide.

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