Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Below you’ll find an excellent video from one of Don Bluth’s weekly animation seminars. He gives a great lesson on characterization and we get to see the animation wizard draw Dirk the Daring. Watch the embedded video after my short meet and greet post.

The video reminded me of the time I met Don at the 2000 San Diego Comic-Con.

Yep, the pale faced one is me and of course the other guy is Don. (It must have been wear your baseball tee day at the con!)

I’ve always been a Don Bluth fan ever since The Secret of Nimh, but especially after Dragon’s Lair. I spent many half bucks (it was one of the first fifty-cent games) trying to master the coin-op video game back when it ruled the arcades.

It’s always a big trill to meet anyone who inspired you during childhood and Don fit that bill for me. Such a super nice guy with so many great stories! He was there promoting his new animation magazine Toon Talk and was selling a no-brainer of a special deal. Purchase a one year magazine subscription and get a free sketch from Don.

I snapped at the offer and he drew this awesome sketch of Dirk!

Besides owning an original Bluth sketch, the cool thing was watching him draw. Here’s a photo of Don drawing my sketch.

Now you can watch him draw Dirk in the video below. Lead on adventurer... your quest awaits!

Be sure to visit Don where you’ll find information about Don’s animation tutorials along with tons of other great stuff.

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