Thursday, March 10, 2011


Last summer we took a detour on the way to Chicago and visited the town of Streator. This Illinois town has a gem of a theater known as the Majestic. The 85-year-old theater had a complete restoration in 2007.

We were hoping to see Toy Story 3 here, but the town had a power shortage just minutes before we arrived.

We waited in the lobby hoping the power would come back on, but it never did. Even though our matinee was canceled, we did enjoy viewing the theater’s collection of old movie cameras on display in the lobby. It was too crowded and kind of dark for photos, but I did manage to snap a photo of the logo from a VistaVision camera.

After a nice visit with the owners we moved onto Chicago. And yes we did catch a late showing of Toy Story 3, but in a modern theater. One of these days, I hope to get back to the Majestic and catch a flick. Maybe next time the power will stay on!

The Majestic's website can be found here and their facebook page here.

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