Friday, April 22, 2011


Fred “King Squiggly Knees” Hembeck is a sketch card maniac and God bless his drawing hand for it! (He's the one with Spidey in the above sketch card.) For almost a year, Fred has been creating some of the best(est) and funniest comic book sketch cards I’ve ever seen.

Here’s the one I bought. It’s one of my favorite obscure Batman villains, the Gentleman Ghost.

A few times each month, Fred gives fans a chance to buy one of his original sketch cards at a reasonable price. Visit his ebay page to view his current sketch card auctions and bid away. You can also follow Fred on facebook or his Fred Sez blog to keep up when new cards are listed.

Shh...don’t tell Fred, but I swiped a few images from his blog to give you an idea of some of the ones he’s already sold. These are some of my favorites so far -

He even creates these mini classic comic cover redos. Here's a nice Thor cover. Yes, Thor really is nice. Just look at that smile!

To look at more past sketch cards visit Fred Sez and view the archives. To bid on new sketch cards don't forget to visit Fred's ebay page

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Nice post. I love Fred Hembeck's art and humor, and he is a genuinely nice guy. We've exchanged a number of e-mails and messages, and he even sent me a couple of sketch cards. After he read a blog post that I had made (HERE) he even sent me a larger sketch, and a bunch of autographed comics. He's got the job that all of us dream of--he's a professional fan-boy!--but still hasn't forgotten about the fans that he has.

