Saturday, October 01, 2011


Are you a monster with six fingers? If you are, you can count how many times our little imaginary town has counted down to Halloween! Yes, it’s that time of year when the cool in the ville changes to ghoul for Neato Ghoulville! Again we welcome you to a daily dose of devilish delights.

Even though the order form in the above comic ad for the Giant Life Size Neato Ghoulville has been torn off, you can still join. Just keep visiting this blog or Weird Hollow all month long. There should be a post on one or both blogs each day. We’ll present a random assortment of vintage spooky things, like magazine and book scans, photos, artwork, comics, links and much more. (Basically, whatever we can find down in the NC vault.)

Vlad will be back terrorizing Weird least we think so. He is missing at the moment. I think someone forgot where they buried his coffin. No bother, we’ll dig up his old craggy bones before the month is over.

See that piece of Vincent Price flair over on the side? Click it to be transported to the official Halloween Countdown offices where you'll find hundreds of links to other Halloween Countdowners!

Now to the good part...the contest! Yep, Monster Head Races IV will be taking place at Weird Hollow and this year’s prize is a doozy. It’s a signed copy of the soon to be released Mail-Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads! by Kirk Demarais.

You read correctly! The man behind Flip and the creator of the immensely popular Film Family Portraits has written a book about the comic book ad! Watch the fantastical book trailer here! (Ah, now you understand why I’m using a comic ad redo for this year’s countdown intro.)

If you want to take a stab at winning Mail-Order Mysteries, visit Weird Hollow and pick the famous monster head that you think will win the race. Hurry up, you have until Oct. 6 to enter.

What are you waiting for? Click here to enter!


  1. The ad looks great NC!

  2. Great stuff & thanks for the heads up on the giveaway!

  3. Oh man, I need a life size Neato Ghoulville poster for my office door!

  4. Mr. Mayor, when Neato Coolville becomes Neato Ghoulville is my favorite time to visit.

    I keep trying to lure Kirk back to the countdown. I'm glad to see he's represented in spirit at least.

  5. Happy Halloween Countdown, Mayor! Always good to see you again.
