Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey there MHR fans! Today is the last day to pick the monster head that you think will win Monster Head Races IV. If you pick the winning monster head then you'll have a chance to win Kirk Demarais' most excellent book, Mail-Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads. As a cool kicker, Kirk will sign his book for the winner!

So follow this link, ENTER MHR CONTEST before 11:59 p.m. tonight (central time) and pick the monster head you think will be the champion racer!

As always, the races were shot before the beginning of the Halloween countdown and no one knows the outcome except me and Vlad and we never tell!!! (By the way, the winner also receives an autographed photo of Vlad.) This year the races were shot in RETRO-VISION. Going with the poorest quality that video tape has to offer! Please join us Tuesday for the goofiest, weirdest and usually lamest race ever, the Monster Head Races.

Be sure to spread the news about Kirk's comic book ad book, 'cause this week his book will be hitting the streets ready for purchase. Here's the Amazon link for Mail-Order Mysteries.

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