Monday, October 31, 2011


It's hard to believe another Halloween countdown has come and gone. As always it is a real treat that I get the opportunity to share some forgotten artifacts from childhood along with some weird and zany fun.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by for some treats! I very much appreciate all the comments, emails and follows along the way.

The Halloween countdown would not have been possible without the help from these cool kids. Thanks to Kirk Demarais, Patrick Franklin, Warren Godfrey, Dan Goodsell, Mike Middleton, Tim Williams and Larry Williams. Also I must thank the first lady of Neato Coolville for putting up with Halloween everyday in October.

So until next time, remember to be neato ghoul to everyone!


  1. Happiest of Happy Halloweens to you, Todd! It was another great countdown. I can't believe it's over already. Well, here's to starting planning next year's!

  2. I'm not sure what I did but it was a great month as always.

  3. Thanks for a great month! Happy Halloween & here's to a great year ahead!
