Monday, January 30, 2012


Happy New Year's Day, um...thirty days late.  Yep, Neato Coolville has been in Rip Van Winkle mode all this month, but fear not Neato Readers 'cause new posts are coming soon.

I'm hoping and planning that this year will be the best yet for our town.  Lots of nostalgic goodies will be dancing across your computer screen this year.  The scanner has been turned up to eleven.  I've scanned loads of postcards, found photos and old advertisements that will show up with more regularity than before.  ( sure is good to be regular.)  Plus, I'll continue some of the regular features like Flea Market Fridays and Memories from the Mayor.

The facebook and twitter pages will continue with links back to the blog, links to other cool spots around the internet and just random whatevers.  The Monday Movie Quote will return to facebook along with a couple of new features.  Recently I've been hooked on that retro photo app, Instagram.  Mostly I'm using it on Twitter and flickr for now.  It sure fills that Polaroid void that I have.

One goal this year is to get down and get creative again.  I've been in a funk and not in the good James Brown kinda funk either.  One of these days I hope to introduce everyone to all the places and people who make up Neato Coolville.  Not the blog, but the imaginary town inside my head.  So maybe you'll see some creative content show up related to the town.

OK, enough about the things to come...I'm ready to get back on the blog bicycle.  Hopefully everyone will enjoy the ride.


  1. Sounds like good times are ahead!

  2. Thanks Joe and Dex, it is time to get neato again!
