Friday, February 17, 2012



Snakes alive!  Recently I found a cool little premium that I'd never seen before and until yesterday I had no clue what it was from.  As you can see in the photo, the vacuform snake says he's Slinky the Snake and he was free on a 39 cent economy size roll.  Was Slinky found free on a roll of toilet paper?  Maybe a roll of wrapping paper?  Hmm...I had no clue.     

Slinky looks kinda gross with his separated upper jaw and head.  For some reason it reminds me of that scene when King Kong snapped the jaw of the T-Rex.  I'm sure Slinky looks better when he's popped out and assembled.

Anyway, the mystery of Slinky the Snake was solved just yesterday when super collector Dan Goodsell posted his collection of Snap-Pets on his flickr photostream.

Acropets & SnapPets

Yep, ol' Slinky was part of the Snap-Pets family that was once included free with a roll of Scotch tape back in the 1950's.  I love the names like Willy the Whale and Ally the Gator. 

Check out Dan's other Scotch tape premiums here, here and here.  So very cool that Scotch gave away Disney's Lady and the Tramp figures and flying saucers.  

Dan's flying saucers reminded me about a similar vacuform flying saucer that I have.  Here's a bonus photo of a Jets Red Ball Shoes flying saucer premium.  


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