Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Let us travel back to the 1960s for a house tour somewhere in America.  Our time machine will be this group of Starlight Color Lab slides.  Now close your eyes and say Starlight Color Lab slides three times fast.  OK.  Now scroll down.

Whew!  Is everyone here?  Good, we all made it!  Looks like we picked a nice sunny day for a house tour.  Do you smell the fresh cut grass?  I do.

This is the house we'll be taking a tour of.  Let's walk up and check this ranch out!  Don't be afraid of the dog sitting next to the road.  That's Fido.  He's a good doggie and only bites Aqua Velva men.  Anyone wearing Aqua Velva might want to stay clear of Fido.

Here we are at the Gresham's!  They're expecting us, so we'll just walk right in.

Now shuffle inside and careful not to knock over the bird planter.  Mrs. Gresham won that at bingo night.

Feel free to have a seat.  Mr. Gresham was nice enough to remove all the plastic sofa coverings. Shh...don't tell him he forgot the plastic on the lampshades.

As you can see the Gresham's went with an Asian motif for the living room.  No, they've never had the fortune of traveling in the Far East, but Mrs. Gresham did find inspiration from a photo in Better Homes and Gardens.          

Mr. Gresham jokes that if he had it his way, the house would be decorated using a look out of Popular Mechanics instead.  Ah, that Mr. Gresham is always the kidder!

Watch out!  Beware of Fluffy, the Gresham's cat.  She is a rare breed that will put you in a trance if you look into her eyes more than three seconds.  So whatever you do, don't look into her eyes. DO NOT LOOK INTO HER EYES!!!!

As you can see, Mrs. Gresham has a green thumb.  She's also a collector of spoons and buys one or two every vacation.  She can also "play the spoons" and is hoping to get on Johnny Carson one of these days.  I wish we had time to hear her play, because she plays a mean version of "A Hard Day's Night".

Before we go back to the future, be sure to personally thank Mr. & Mrs. Gresham for inviting us into their home.  Thanks Mr. & Mrs. G!  You got a really neato cool home.  Banzai!


  1. Love the tour! Such a beautiful, well kept home. And sadly, I did let Fluffy hypnotize me. Looks like I'll be her slave for eternity.

  2. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post

  3. Wow! What a great time capsule to open :)

  4. Paul Duca8:26 PM

    Fido knows there is SOMETHING about an Aqua Velva man....

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