Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Now that was a Pow! Bif! Bang! of an October! Whew! I can't believe the Halloween countdown is over. Actually, I can't believe I've put together seven of 'em! I really appreciate all the Neato Readers out there!! Thanks so much for all the emails, comments, follows and shares!

A big thanks to Tim Williams for pushing the levels of weirdness to new heights this season with Castle Vlad! Another big thanks to Glen Mullaly for sponsoring this year's countdown and supplying two neato art prints for prizes! A special thank you goes to the first lady of Neato Coolville! She's always been a big help during the countdown, especially with her patience.

Good night and remember to be neato ghoul to everyone!!!

Say goodbye to Hector the Ghoul!


  1. Hauntedheadful4:25 AM

    I bring a message of hope from the East coast. As you know, we've had a bit of bad luck here.I'm from Mays Landing NJ.We were fortunate enough to catch the eye of Sandy and damage wasn't too bad.After about 30 hours w/o power, all was restored late Tuesday night.I had hastily stored my yard decorations in the shed,thinking I wouldn't get the chance to put them back up.Happy to say, They're back! After an impromptu Pizza party w/friends and some classic viewing(Great Pumpkin,Halloween 2 and The Exorcist)We're feeling back on track.Trick or Treat has been moved to Monday the 5th so the kids won't miss out.My thoughts(and can goods donation) go out to those north of me who aren't as fortunate.Thanks for another great countdown,truly inspiring.

  2. Was a great, albeit fast, countdown! Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Thanks for all the cool, ghoul stuff here!

  3. I miss Halloween already! I took down my Halloween stuff this morning and it was sooooo saaaad.

  4. Hauntedheadful - Thinking of all the folks dealing with the aftermath of Sandy. Hang in there and glad you made the best of it with some fun time Halloween TV! Thanks for commenting!

    Caffeinated Joe - Thanks Joe and I enjoyed your countdown as well. Yes, this countdown went way too fast!

    Eartha - Taking down holiday stuff is the saddest!
