Thursday, February 21, 2013


We're having a snow day here in Neato Coolville! Since we're experiencing a blanket of snow and ice, I dug out this found photo from a snow day way back in 1946.  

Now that's an impressive looking snowman! According to the inscription on the back, the snowman was built by the three kids in the photo, The Bowman Kids and is dated Nov. 1946.

Just think, ol' frosty melted away 66 years ago! He was a sharp dressed snowman with the classic coal button down shirt and floppy hat. From his smile, he looked to be a happy snowman.

Now, here's someone that needs a frown turned upside down. Apparently the oldest kid has a fear of snowmen. Hmm...maybe just seconds before the photo was taken the snowman gave this kid a frozen fingered wet willie! Brrrr...  

The younger siblings are all smiles and apparently aren't afraid of no snowmen! 

If you're having a snow day today, go out and make some fun snow time memories of your own with family and friends. There's not much better than playing in the snow!!


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Cool. Literally.

  2. That's fantastic. I wonder who those kids grew up to be and how thrilled they'd be to know that people were thinking about them 67 years later!
