Friday, May 31, 2013


Here's a selection of Jedi prop photos that I snapped back in the 1990s at various places. (Sorry for the poor photography on my part, but these were taken before the days of digital cameras.)

Speeder Bike on display at the end of the Backlot Tour at MGM Studios, Orlando in 1994. They had two Speeder Bikes hanging from the ceiling.

On display in front of Star Tours in MGM Studios, Orlando is a Tatooine Skiff and a Snowspeeder. There seems to be speculation on the internet if these vehicles were actually screen used. Photo taken in 1994.  

Also, part of the display for Star Tours in MGM Studios, Orlando is this crashed Speeder Bike. Photo taken in 1994. 

Jabba the Hutt's eyes on display in Special Effects 2 at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Photo taken in 1996.

Harrison Ellenshaw's matte painting of the Death Star's reactor shaft on display in Special Effects 2 at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Photo taken in 1996.

Yak Face mask on display in Special Effects 2 at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Photo taken in 1996.

Ree-Yees mask on display in Special Effects 2 at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Photo taken in 1996.

Weequay mask on display in Special Effects 2 at St. Louis Science Center. Photo taken in 1997.

Return of the Jedi storyboards on display in Special Effects 2 at the St. Louis Science Center. Photo taken in 1997.

Darth Vader's costume from Return of the Jedi on display outside of Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas in 1998.

1 comment:

  1. The Yak Face looks like Joe Camel from Camel cigarettes.
