Thursday, May 30, 2013


I wasn't planning on using any content from Bantha Tracks for Jedi Week, but when I was looking through my old issues I came across this 1982 article. Apparently Lucasfilm was promoting the third Star Wars movie, still titled Revenge of the Jedi, at the 40th World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago.

In this photo taken by Maureen Garrett, the director of the Star Wars fan club, we see the original Han Solo in Carbonite prop on display. Wow! That would have been something to see back in 1982 along with all those Jedi photos! Also, according to the article there was a full size Speeder Bike on display. If seeing those props weren't enough, Producer Howard Kazanjian and Senior Vice President of Marketing Sidney Ganis gave an hour-long panel about the film. They showed an eleven minute documentary that I would love to see called The Making of JEDI Monsters.

I didn't expect the documentary to be available on the internet but was surprised that there's not any photos of the Jedi exhibit in my search. The article says that more than 5000 people saw the exhibit. I'm sure a few out of that 5000 snapped some photographs. There just has to be a snapshot of some kid standing in front of frozen Han. C'mon internet, let's see those Jedi Exhibit photos from Chicon IV!!!  

I've posted the article below that was originally printed in Bantha Tracks #18 from November 1982. Click on it to read it.

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