Saturday, June 01, 2013


Whew! Jedi Week is over. After 150+ blog posts this concludes the special 30th anniversary blog events related to the Star Wars saga that started in 2007. Thanks to everyone that stopped by the blog to reminisce about Return of the Jedi with me. I appreciated all of your comments and emails! A special thanks to Mike (Aparofan) Middleton, John Rozum and Erick from Wonderful Wonderblog for sharing the Jedi Week link with their blog readers. Also, thanks to everyone who shared Jedi Week on facebook and twitter.

I made the Jedi Week header from this newspaper ad for the 1985 rerelease of Return of the Jedi. 

Yub Nub! May the Force be with you!!

Now, I will leave you with Meco's Ewok Celebration!

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