Monday, September 29, 2014


Wow! The sun is shining and the ice has melted away here in Neato Coolville. The deep freeze of 2014 is over and it's time to get back to blogging and playing mayor in this imaginary town that lives inside my head. I was getting worried the town might vote me out and find a new mayor, but apparently everything has gone back to normal. (Boy, that would have been awkward.) As a bonus, this ice age has given the town an unlimited supply of ice that will keep our Mountain Dew chilled for years to come!

A lot of people have asked why I put Neato Coolville in the deep freeze. I was burned-out all crispy like from blogging and all things internet. I was on a superhighway to nowhere and needed a good long break. I think it worked and feel refreshed. Actually, I was going to come back sooner, but it was difficult to get back in the saddle again. The looming Halloween countdown (starts this Wednesday) was the main factor to get things rolling again. Now I'm on full bionic power going forward!

Tomorrow, I'll have one normal blog post before this blog turns into Neato Ghoulville for the month of October. Until then, I'm going to relax a bit more and watch some old TV reruns. Feel free to pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and a soda. Holler if you need ice.


  1. Yay! And also... that Steve Austin pinball (I assume) art is the best-worst art I've seen in years!

  2. This is the best news I've heard in a long time! :)

  3. Welcome back! Here's to a great October!

  4. Good to see you back!

  5. Todd Wolfe9:21 PM

    Welcome home! Glad you're back.

  6. HEY! Nice to see you! You've obviously been missed by more than little old me :)

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    In all seriousness, out of the blue I decided to check your blog tonight, and was delighted to discover that you're back! Neato Coolville is a bright spot in my week. Take care of yourself, first and foremost, but as time and circumstances permit, take care of Neato Coolville too!

  8. Thanks for all the warm welcomes! It's very appreciated! All of you are neato cool to the max!!
