Friday, October 10, 2014


Forty years ago today, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow US Postage stamp was issued. This stamp is one of my favorite stamp designs and I think it deserves recognition on its anniversary. The above stamp was saved by my grandma.

The artwork was created by Leonard Everett Fisher, an accomplished children's book artist and writer. Click here to view his original artwork and click here to view a nifty short video of Leonard talking about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow stamp.   

This is just one example of the many different first day covers available back in 1974. Just do a search on ebay to view more. 

Boy's Life Magazine always seemed to have articles on stamp collecting. Here's a clipping from the February 1975 issue about the stamp. Also, I found the ad below in a Boy's Life Magazine from 1975.

Click here to get this stamp as a desktop wallpaper over at Kirk's Secret Fun Blog!


  1. I've always loved that stamp... I have a few of them that my mom saved. They're like tny little posters!

  2. Wow, I hadn't thought of this stamp in ages. And yeah, I was a stamp and first day cover collector. Likely caught the bug due to Boys Life or Grit, which also covered new stamp releases.

  3. I had no idea there was a video or a magazine ad. I love it! Great research!

  4. Major - Ooh, that's a good idea. Someone should blow one of these up for a neat poster complete with little hangy pieces on the edge.

    Jason - Those two publications were always pushing stamp collecting. Do kids still collect stamps nowadays?

    Kirk - It was neat discovering that short vid and seeing the face behind the artwork.

  5. Philip Davis11:43 AM

    I would really like to see the TV commercial that aired to promote this stamp again.
