Friday, October 30, 2015


It's hard to believe that the Halloween countdown will soon be over. There were so many treats handed out across the world wide (spider)web. Be sure to visit the master list of countdown bloggers at the Countdown to Halloween site. For fun, I've listed a small sample size of some of the posts and Halloween related things that caught my eye this spooky holiday season. Enjoy!

Zombie Mouth Bubblegum - As a candy and monster fan, it's been exciting to watch and contribute to the beginning stages of the first ever crowdsourced bubblegum. It still has a long way to go before becoming a reality and you still have a few days to join the fun and be part of confectionary history.

The Lost Boys Virtual Trading Cards - I always enjoy seeing Shawn's "These Should Exist" virtual trading cards on his Branded in the 80's blog. He's created some neato cool looking cards based after various movie and TV show properties. His Lost Boys cards will make you wish they were at the 7-11 back in the day!

Creature Crunch and Bridal Bits Cereal Boxes - Karswell created two monsterlicious fake cereal boxes based after The Creature from the Black Lagoon and Bride of Frankenstein.

Remco Monsterizer Video - Plaid Stallions gives us a video demonstration of Remco's 1980 monster toy, the Monsterizer!

Monster Vitamins Coupon Ad - Garage Sale Finds shared this wonderful ad from one of my favorite items from childhood!

Bride of Frankenstein Theater Marquee - Frankensteinia is celebrating the 80th anniversary of The Bride of the Frankenstein.

Sleestak Art - I always enjoy seeing John Rozum's cut-out artwork and he's been sharing some great ones throughout the countdown. My favorite is the Sleestak! A close second is John's Crimson Ghost.

Mr. Fun's Costumes and Magic Emporium - Wonderful Wonderblog took us on a fun tour of a fun looking place that has lots of fun stuff!

Halloween Web - Over at AEIOU...and Sometimes Why you can find a bunch of interviews of of Halloween bloggers. Excellent interviews and it's great opportunity to "get to know" some of the wizards behind the blog curtain.

Comic Adaptations of H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man - The Halloween countdown theme for Cavalcade of Awesome is The Invisible Man.

Cookies based after the movie The Crawling Eye - I always enjoy the clever posts over at My House is Cuter Than Yours blog and I really dig these cookies based after the 1958 B-movie.

1973 Leaf Halloween Candy Brochure - shared this amazing candy brochure!

Halloween Mood Tree - Something simply brilliant at the Secret Fun Blog.

Plastic Halloween Trick or Treat Bags - Dinosaur Dracula usually throws in a few cheap plastic trick or treat bags and this year he found some neat ones!

Anaheim Halloween Parade Photos - Excellent photos by Bittersweet Susie of this amazing annual event! See more at the Anaheim Halloween Parade facebook page.

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