Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Tomorrow as you sit in your gorilla suit all day in front of your computer sweating and trying to eat Little Debbie Banana Twins thru your mask, check out these fun links that will make your hairy holiday much more fun!

Tom Weaver interviews Bob Burns about the great gorilla man Charles Gemora in the first issue of the Monster Kid. Check out page page 1 and page 2.

After that one you might as well check out Bob Burns' Audition article about Tracy the gorilla.

Here's a site devoted to gorilla men with tons of photos and history called appropriately Gorilla Men.

Now get your silver hairy back over to Muppet Wiki and check out their article on Gorilla Suits.

And if you want to impress all of your gorilla suited pals next year during N.G.S.D., then show up in a pro-gorilla suit. You can buy a snazzy looking one at The Hollywood Gorilla.

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