Friday, May 04, 2007


Happy Star Wars day!

If you’re buzzing around on the internet today, make a point to check out another fun-filled all month celebration of Star Wars on John Rozum’s excellent blog. I’ve been checking in every day and John’s been posting some great images and sharing some excellent content about Star Wars.

Another blogger, Michael Fleming, is showcasing his artwork with a series of ABC Star Wars illustrations. You can see ‘em over at Tweedlebop.

Next, I have two Star Wars book recommendations and both of these books are must buys!

First is the Making of Star Wars by J.W. Rinzler. This book is worth buying just for the photos alone. It’s full of rare images from the making of the first Star Wars and contains the lost interviews of the cast and crew between the years 1975 - 1978. This is now the definitive book on the Making of Star Wars.

The next book is Sculpting A Galaxy by Lorne Peterson. Lorne Peterson is one of the original model makers of ILM and created many of the iconic models used in Star Wars. This book showcases all of the model work for the whole Star Wars saga with excellent close-up photos. Now you can see the amazing detail on some of your favorite Star Wars spaceships.

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