Sunday, December 09, 2007


I know this has been recommended on other sites, but I also need to put in a plug for this very entertaining and informative book about those vintage tourist spots of the Smokies region.

The Land of the Smokies Great Mountain Memories by Tim Hollis is a fast and fun read and it will bring back enjoyable vacation memories if you ever have toured this part of the country. If you’re like me and have yet to travel in these parts you’ll also enjoy this book as I did. It’s packed with so many fun photos, old brochures and souvenirs that you’ll trick your mind in believing that you did go with your grandparents back when you were a kid.

Tim has unearthed so much hidden tourist history from this region that it will be the ultimate vintage travel book for the Smokies! Pick up a copy at your local book store or go online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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