Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I’m bummed that Hickory Hill Antiques is closing at the end of this month. Located in Eugene Missouri, this fun shop has always been a great place to visit in search of treasure. Every trip I usually found something to add to my collection and a lot of these items I shared on this blog.

Diane always had a huge selection of vintage photographs and advertising items and it was always fun to see how she would arrange it in a booth. Sometimes she would turn a booth into a retro 50's kitchen or a 60's - 70's living room.

If you find yourself driving in Missouri on Hwy 54 between Jefferson City and Eldon you have until March 31 to stop at Hickory Hill and hopefully find a treasure. Everything is 50% off!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Must be so great to have had a fun place like that to visit. I love sifting through stores like that and we have a few where I live. The living room booth sounds as thought it would have been great to see!
