Thursday, May 01, 2008


I always love this time of year because of the Dogwood tree. A drive thru the Ozarks is so much more pretty with patches of Dogwoods in bloom. Their white pedals seem to float in the woods like some type of ghost flower dancing in the breeze.

Yesterday I had some extra time to walk thru Ha Ha Tonka State Park (one of Missouri’s best state parks) snapping a few photos of Dogwoods for this post.

Take a few minutes today and find some natural beauty to enjoy.

Happy May Day everyone!

Here’s and old postcard from the 1960's and 70's that you could find for sale at every trading post and gift shop in the Ozarks.

This found snapshot was taken somewhere here in the Ozarks and is dated 1923. Someone made up a title - Blossom Time and Dogwood Days and added it to the top of the photograph. It looks like she’s preparing some type of arrangement using the limbs and flowers of a Dogwood.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like after the super crummy winter we had that Spring finally decided to suddenly spring upon us practically overnight. Yesterday I woke up and everything around here was green and colorful. There's only a few dogwoods in my area though, but where ever they are they do seem to make the area 100 times more beautiful.

    Nice post Todd!
