Thursday, May 15, 2008


Wow! This would've been a fun day at the Gayety Theatre watching an episode of the Atom Man vs. Superman movie serial. Wish I could just step inside this linen postcard and buy a ticket! I like the fact that they flipped the title and put Superman's name first before Atom Man or Atoman as they dropped the second M so the title would fit on the marquee. I wonder if those five cartoons were the Fleischer cartoons?

The Gayety Theatre was located on Commercial Ave in Chicago, Illinois and opened in 1907. In the late 1960's the theater switched to all Spanish language films and finally in 1982 it was eventually demolished after a fire.

1 comment:

  1. I like to imagine the world was much more colorful back then as it is in these re-colored cards, before pollution and just generally ugly design destroyed the world we now live in.

    And with a name like GAYETY though the theatre really missed it's calling in later, more "open and accepting" times (if you know what I'm saying.)
