Monday, May 19, 2008


Gosh, I’ve been out of the loop this past week and really haven’t been online much. I see the sad news of the passing of MAD Magazine artist Will Elder and more sad news about the health problems of one of my favorite artists Gene Colan.

First - condolences go out to Will Elder’s family and friends, as he was really a swell guy and for me a super nice person to meet. I only met him briefly in an autograph line, but he greeted everyone with a big smile and a nice hello.

Second - I hate to hear that comic artist and premier Iron Man artist Gene Colan is having some serious health problems. My prayers go out to Gene and his family. I first read this on Mark Evanier’s site and he has this link for people to visit for updates about Gene.

Third - I was planning on doing an Indiana Jones week of posts, but time has again got me on the run. Still, I'm going to try and string some posts together by digging in the "tub" archives. Check back this evening to see if I beat the clock and actually get something posted.

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