Tuesday, July 29, 2008


For years I’ve wanted to see a movie at the 66 Drive-In Theater in Carthage, Missouri and last week we finally did. Located on Route 66 this beauty of a drive-in is one of the best in the “Show-Me” state.

It was a double feature night with Wall-E and the Hulk playing on the really really big screen.

This drive-in still has the original playground in front of the screen.

Next to the consession stand is this cool plastic sofa. I wanted to take it home with me!

A classic National Anthem film starts the evening of entertainment.

The best part of the night was the intermission complete with countdown clock and vintage snack bar films.

The 66 Drive-In started in 1949 and was restored in 1997. If you're traveling the mother road and end up in Carthage, Missouri be sure to see a movie at the 66 Drive-In!


  1. It really needs the ringmaster and hot dog doing tricks in order for it to be the ultimate drive-in experience but the ads are fantastic nevertheless. I'm glad they lit up the screen so the pictures would come out better. I wish the Twin would do that.

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I sure miss the Drive-In experience. Thanks for sharing the pics and story. Can't beat the intermission clips. I still have the scar from stitches on my elbow from a tumble off the merry-go-round as a child at the front of the screen at the Peoria Drive-In. Nothing more fun than filling up on popcorn and trying to spin that thing as fast as possible!

  3. This is one of the most gorgeous existing drive-ins ever. Seeing photos of it is one thing, but you see it in person and it practically takes your breath away. Unfortunantly I've never seen a movie here... Dr Phibes and I were driving back to STL from LA on our Rt 66 tour and our timing was off, so we arrived in Carthage on a night they weren't open! Still bummmed...

  4. I really enjoyed your posts about the Drive-Ins. I have such great memories from the one we used to have in the town i grew up in. Ours was called the "Se Rancho." From when my parents used to take us dressed in our pajamas to dates with my high-school sweetheart. I was SO thrilled when I found my favorite old drive-in commercial on YouTube! I had given up all hope of ever seeing it again! Ah, the good old days. Thanks for the memories!

  5. Mike - This Drive-In is like stepping back in time. I'll just make a trip to the Twin to see those dancing hot dogs.

    Vaudevillain - Thanks for your comment! Yeah, the intermission is my favorite part!

    Karswell - You're right seeing it in person is so much better. Hopefully you'll get a chance to see a movie at this one.
