Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Last week The Nearly Complete Essential Hembeck Archives Omnibus arrived in the mail. This book is massive and I’m afraid my poor mailman got a hernia carrying it up to the door. His sacrifice was worth it as I’m glad to add this to my library.

The Omnibus is a must for any comic fan and Hembeck's crazy comics are as fun to read today as they were back in the day. It not only has his vintage toons but goes all the way up to present day covering material from his popular website including some of those fab commissions that he does so well.

If you order direct from Fred, he’ll send you a signed copy with a free Fred head sketch. For an extra fee (same price as a DC Archive) he’ll draw your favorite character on the first page of the book. This second option is the way to go and that’s what I ordered.

Don't worry you won't get a quicky stick figure drawing from Fred, but instead you get a nice piece of original art that looks ready for the publisher. Spidey was my choice and as alway Fred did an amazing job. Thanks Fred!

Here’s the link to order your very own copy of The Nearly Complete Essential Hembeck Archives Omnibus.

1 comment:

  1. I heartily second your recommendation NC! The book is fantastic and your sketch turned out great. I was very pleased with my sketch too. This book is a no brainer if you're a Hembeck fan.
