Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Last Halloween countdown I posted about these crazy 1953 Kraft caramels plastic bag masks. Here's the original 1953 ad.

I mentioned that only the Space Helmet and the Toto the Clown masks have been found. I'm glad to report that I now own the Old Witch mask.

So if this is a trend, I'll find the Pumpkin Head mask sometime next year just in time for the 2009 countdown.

The great thing about my post last year is that it sparked a childhood memory for my mom. She's not sure if she mailed away for one of these or a friend had one, but she remembers trying one on and feeling claustrophobic. She thinks it was Toto the Clown.


  1. Nothing says 'Halloween' like trying to breathe through a plastic bag mask! Unless, of course, it is bobbing for rabid weasels or playing pin the tail on the rabid hellhound. Well, that's how Vlad rolls...

  2. I wonder how many parents it didn't occur to that these masks were very bad ideas for something to put over a child's head.

  3. Remember kids... plastic bags are not a toy! Unless you wear them over your heads as you're wandering down the street in the dark asking strangers for candy!
