Monday, November 23, 2009


A special tribute is happening all this week for one of the best remembered and fondly loved actors from the golden age of Hollywood. More than one hundred blogs are celebrating the life and films of Boris Karloff during the Boris Karloff Blogathon, created by Pierre Fournier, the curator of the Frankensteinia: The Frankenstein Blog.

The celebration starts today on Karloff’s 122 birthday and ends this Sunday, November 29. When you visit Frankensteinia or simply click on the Blogathon banner in the sidebar, you’ll find the long list of Boris bloggers.

I just added my bolts into the Blogathon and you can catch my simplistic Karloff posts over at Weird Hollow.

Also, be sure to visit the Official Boris Karloff website by clicking here.

The photos came from Heritage Auctions.


  1. Even as a kid I loved Boris Karloff... somehow I knew he was a kind man in spite of the creepy characters he played.

  2. My favorite Movie Monster!! In fact, my favorite cereal is Franken Berry! Many years back, I founded the Internets very first Franken Berry fan-site.

    One year a traveling Frankenstein exhibit that visited a string of museums and colleges even featured my web-site for visitors to browse through. Due to kids, job, etc., I eventually let the site fade into oblivion.

    It was such fun and something I used to be so passionate about however, I'm seriously considering starting it up again in blog format.

    You've got a great site.. a veritable treasure trove of information!! in fact, I'm going to reference a two year old Diener Alien article from your blog tonight in a new post I'm writing.

    Cheers, and keep up the great work!!

  3. Thanks Daddy-O! I'll be sure to check out your Diener Alien post!
