Monday, October 04, 2010


This is the first antique postcard out of eight that I will be posting during the countdown. The card was supplied by my old pal, John Poehlein of Paper Payline. For more than fifteen years John has been my “pusher man” supplying me with some of the neatest items for my collections. He’s been dealing in antiques for over thirty years and has an uncanny ability to find the unusual and the rare. His speciality is antique paper from the 1800's to the 1960's. He can be found on ebay selling under Paper Payline where he usually lists twenty items or more each day.

I’m happy to announce that this year’s Neato Ghoulville Halloween countdown will be sponsored Paper Payline!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I love vintage Halloween items. So glad to have found your blog via the Cryptkeeper 2010 links!

    Happy Halloween!
